I Always remember wanting a Big Trak and thought to myself that I would never get one as they were expensive. I think it was 1983 or 1984 when I had the best christmas ever for presents. I had a new spectrum 48k from my Mum and Dad. I thought that was amazing. All I wanted to do was play my computer all day but we had to go to my Brothers for dinner. When I arrived there in the middle of my Brother's living room were all the presents and one stood out. A big box and it had my name on it! Imagine my surprise when I unwrapped the christmas wrapping paper off the box I discovered that there in front of me was my very own Big Trak!
That was a fantastic christmas and I will never forget it. Needless to say that I didnt want to go back to school that year.
Playing with Big Trak I used to pretend it was some super weapon from the Empire sent to destroy the Rebellion. My Star Wars figures took a battering that holiday.
I recently discovered that the US version of Big Trak looked slightly different to the UK version with a greyer colour and a different keypad.

The UK Big Trak was White while the US Version was Grey

Click the ad below to see a TV advert for Big Trak.

Click here for Wikipedia's entry for Big Trak
Just checked thebigtrak.com and came across this great picture. I did not know that Big Trak was in ET. Check it out by clicking on the link above
big trak, retrofinds, 80's, 70's, star wars, retro, star wars collect all 21
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