Whizzer and Chips annual 1986

Came across my Whizzer and Chips annual from 1986 the other day. I use to love this annual. Store Wars and Wear Em Out Wilf were some of my favourites. I always remember that some of the characters from the Whizzer part would creep into the Chips side of the comic and vise versa and it was up to you to spot them. Here is a Wear em out wilf story from the annual.


  1. Yay! I used to get Whizzer & Chips, but because I am 'elderly' that was in the 70's! In fact I'm probably old enough to remember the first issue which was 1969 (but I don't, I was still reading Twinkle then, or looking at the pictures at least).

  2. Do you remember Whoppee! comic too?


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